HI! I'm Buzz. I really like people, and purrring to them too. I like sitting on my human's lap while she works at the computer, supervising. My sisters probably describe me as a bit of a diva, because I really enjoy attention, or maybe they think I'm a bit vain? I mean, I'm confident that humans love and adore me, but that's not vain, it's established fact. I am very beautiful, but all cats are really, so we're all entitled to our vanity.
I like living with my sisters. Dot is very sweet, and Flick is entertaining. Dot helps me wash my ears and other hard-to-reach places, and she looks out for Flick and I. She's not very brave about strange humans, but she's bold enough to give us a paw-smack when we pester her. Flick is a lot of fun, she's always finding new ways of making trouble, and I often follow along to see what's going to happen. Sometimes I have to alert the human when Flick gets into some place she shouldn't, or gets stuck - that's no fun! Once I got stuck in a room, I think Flick shut the door from outside, and I was in there for nearly an hour - wow, was I cross! - I never went in that room again, and I still hate closed doors.
I'm interested in ecology, and preserving the natural environment. While humanity has done a great deal of environmental damage, cats have also had an impact. All over the world bird species are threatened or endangered, particularly ground nesting birds, and cats are largely responsible. Cats also threaten populations of small mammals, amphibians, reptiles and even insects. We are very effective hunters after all. And really, it's the fault of the humans, who took us with them on their travels all over the globe, in most cases exactly because of our hunting abilities and catastrophic impact on rodent populations. Left to our own devices, we wouldn't have traveled as widely as we have. Still, I feel that cats should give something back to the natural environment, and work to prevent the extinction of endangered species, and preserve the natural environment.
Kibble, or wet food, or whatever... I'll try new stuff sometimes
Favorite treat
WHoo-hoo, treats! Just show me the food-love.
Nap spots
Lap, bed
Hiding spots
Behind things, in boxes - I'm not an expert at hiding like Dot
Chasing paper balls, pouncing paper balls, batting paper balls. The paper balls are mine, all mine, don't touch 'em!
OK, there's other toys I like too - the 'Crazy Squares' with nip - DIY Cat Toys are fun, and I like nip sticks (the dried stalks of the cat-nip-plant).
Floral arranging, supervising the human
Career plans
I like plants, flowers and herbs and greenery. I'm considering becoming a florist. I enjoy modeling too. And my hobby of supervising humans may have career possibilities too.
I've been reading The Oatmeal's The Bob Cats http://theoatmeal.com/comics/bobcats_monday so I'm getting a good grasp of the office environment and management styles that might work.
Hopes & aspirations
Peace and Love
Being lonley
Environmental perspective
Preserving ecosystems, and promoting natural biodiversity
My First VIDEO!
My Second Video, with Flick
Buzz: Who says black cats don't take good selfies? (2015)
Dot and Buzz, sharing a chair
Buzz's Picks
Some of my favorite stuff in our website...
Photos of us three girls together... so many happy memories! Togetherness photos
I really like Mazes too, and our new Mazes Page has some great stuff
I think our 7 Ways to Honour Your Cat list is pretty cool, and we would love to hear some of your ideas for cat-honouring too!
Buzz promotes catnip awareness
Buzz, pretty in pink
Pink suits me, don't you think?
Keeping up with current events in our local newspaper, the Driftwood
Not intended as political commentary, just a quick wash
You can sent us a miow, mew, mrouu, prrrtt, puurrrrr or message at e-meow@flickdotbuzz.com and ask us about being awesome (or make a suggestion for our website, or just send us an e-purrr).
Thanks for visiting *paw waives* we hope you enjoy our website! Purrrs to you all.
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We welcome clients of all species